
Something to Think About
Go... Make a Difference

Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Go Ahead, Jump!

By Pat

We recently put a swimming pool up in our backyard, mostly for our little grandchildren. One day last week, my three year old grandson Gabe was jumping from the ladder while I caught him. Each time, he would yell "Catch me, Grammy!" and I, of course, would catch him, much to his delight. But as he went to jump one time, my hands were down in the water where he couldn't see them. No matter how many times I tried to convince him to jump and assure him that I would catch him, he refused to jump.

We resumed our game with my arms outstretched for a while, but I decided to try again to get Gabe to jump while my hands were out of his sight. Finally, he did, at which point it became a game of "Hide your hands, Grammy!" Gabe learned quickly that he could trust me to catch him, no matter what.

It made me think of my relationship with God, and I how sometimes refuse to make the moves I need to make, take the steps I need to take because of fear. No matter how many times God says "Trust me," I am still aftraid to jump because I can't always see his outstretched hands.

I wish I could be more like Gabe, refusing to allow fear to keep him from jumping. I wait to receive what I feel is just the right word from God, and in doing so miss many opportunities to serve Him. My comfort zone imprisons me. I need to try harder to jump, knowing that even if God's arms are hidden in the water, He'll catch me anyway.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)

Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.

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