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Fingerprint Friday: In The Backyard

By MAD21

I asked my husband this morning, "Hey, hon? Where do you see the fingerprint of God this morning?" To which he replied, "In the backyard <grumble grumble>."

Now, you may remember my post last week on the beautiful Colors of Fall, and you may already see where I'm going with this post. But it's funny enough I'm going to write it anyway. See, we live in the part of the country where there are deciduous trees... everywhere. So you not only get the pleasure of removing (and playing!) in the leaves from the trees in your own yard, but all the leaves from the trees that reside in your neighbor's yards. Ya. We like to spread out the misery equally around here.

Personally, I enjoy leaf-blowing our yard, but only the fist, and perhaps the second, times. It gets a little old after the third and fourth times. We live on an acre of land that is on the corner of a road and court, so we get a huge amount of leaves from everyone around us. But really, it's all good. We have a house full of people (and a dog!) who love to play in the leaves. It also brings the neighborhood kids around because we can make awesome, huge piles to jump and play in. But in the end, when it comes time to remove all these piles it is A LOT of work.

My hubby took yesterday off so he could play 'parent helper' in our youngest daughter's class at school. Then he spent the whole afternoon working just in our back yard. Mark that: four hours. Just in the backyard inside the fence area, roughly a quarter acre. It looked beautiful. After he had come inside and gotten cleaned up, so maybe an hour later, there was a HUGE wind storm that lasted about 20 minutes. We had all kinds of acorns, tree branches and other tree parts hitting our roof and zipping past our house like crazy. Just out of nowhere. Then... nothing.  My hubby just looked at me. I said, well, it's like washing your car is sure to bring rain...

As we lay in bed before the start of the day this morning, he said... "I don't even want to see what the yard looks like..."  Sure enough, covered. Hardly could tell he had done anything. But we know, because we still have 10 bags full of leaves and debris to prove it. And personally, I still think it looks better than it did.

So. Here we are on Friday. Which, by the way is a beautiful, sunny fall day. The husband is back to work, but it's a day off for students in our area. I have at least two kids coming over to play in the leaves with us today (and work-shhhh). This is just part of what we have to look forward to:

Fellow blogger Beki at Pampering You has a really great weekly post she does every Friday called "Fingerprint Friday." We are to look around and see where we can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Anywhere? Go find out where Beki saw God this week, and be sure to check out the other bloggers who linked their stories as well.

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Reader Comments (6)

That always happens! It's like that when serving others too. Sometimes your work may not be evident to everyone.

November 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

The wind storm after all that work sounds very frustrating......but maybe you will be able to look back one day and laugh about it. At least there is some fun involved in being able to jump and play in all the leaves.

We used to have a huge yard and it took days to rake. We had to get all the leaves moved to the curb, then the city truck would come along and suck them all up. My youngest son would get excited about having the BIGGEST pile of leaves out in the street of anyone in the neighborhood. Kids always have a good perspective. ♥

November 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterArtsy Clay

I am sorry about the windstorm.

November 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHelen

Work can be fun... it is all in the attitude, right? LOL You have a beautiful yard, I hope you enjoy! :)

November 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBridget Chumbley

This looks and sounds so familiar. We have one and a half acres in town and our yard looks just like yours. My husband worked on one area for a while last weekend. When he was nearly done I said it didn't look like he had done anything (even though there was a HUGE pile of leaves right next to him). I don't think he appreciated my comment too much!

November 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrentz

The pictures are beautiful though. :)

November 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPamperingBeki

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